How do I compile?

support for the ARM toolchain
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How do I compile?

Post by kwbauson » Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:24 am

I am just learning how to program and am trying to learn by using devkitARM. I know how to compile programs with devkitAdv (I found out from a tutorial), but I can't figure out how to with devkitARM. For devkitAdv, I would use a batch file something like this:

set path=C:\devkitadv\bin;%path%
gcc -o hello.elf hello.c -lm
objcopy -O binary hello.elf hello.gba

How do you do it with devkitARM?

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Re: How do I compile?

Post by StevenH » Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:46 am

For devkitARM you just need to run one command: make.

Or if your using Programmers Notepad on the windows installation you can compile your code from the tools menu (Tools -> Make / Compile).

If your favorite IDE is Visual Studio on windows and your using the Visual Studio helper that dovoto wrote then just press F7 (Compile).

The reason that there's no long list of commands is that compiling a DS file is a lot more complex than compiling a GBA file.

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Re: How do I compile?

Post by paulolol » Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:43 pm

StevenH wrote: For devkitARM you just need to run one command: make.

Or if your using Programmers Notepad on the windows installation you can compile your code from the tools menu (Tools -> Make / Compile).
I've got a big problem : there is no "make" file in any folder of my devkitPro installation, and there is no "Make / Compile" button in the Tools menu of Programmer's Notepad...

Can someone help me ??

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