OpenSceneGraph on the Switch?

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OpenSceneGraph on the Switch?

Post by thephantomfiddler » Fri May 03, 2019 4:41 pm

I was wondering if OSG (a fairly useful graphics API) is possible to port onto the switch. A few games use it, namely OpenMW, which is the reason why I made this topic on the first place, to see if it is possible to get it running natively. I have no experience with graphics APIs so I have no idea of it even can work on the switch. Since OSG uses cmake, it would probably be better to use one of the cmake libnx toolchains for it, but I don't know if that will work.

Can anyone fill me in with their information regarding this topic?

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Re: OpenSceneGraph on the Switch?

Post by WinterMute » Sun May 05, 2019 1:57 am

I'm not that familiar with OSG so it's very difficult to say how easy it might be to port without trying.

Ideally any cmake based project should be using the devkitPro supplied cmake toolchain file rather than unofficial and unsupported ones from elsewhere. It will most likely need extending and a lot of thought needs to be put into how best to handle it. This is part of the devkitpro-pkgbuild-helpers package which isn't installed by default. See ... ld-scripts for the current files (but install via (dkp-)pacman)

We do generally prefer that people stick with the stock Makefile based templates where feasible since this means all users should be able to build the code regardless of OS. Ideally we'd like to avoid people being instructed to set up cmake templates which require multiple steps to build a Switch homebrew project.
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