WinterMute's 2021 Birthday donation drive.

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WinterMute's 2021 Birthday donation drive.

Post by WinterMute » Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:47 am

June again already and another year older. This year flew by, not kidding.

$507.52 of $2500 target raised so far.

If you like the toolchains and you'd consider buying me a beer if you lived nearby then please consider a donation. The Support devkitPro page has a nice list of (tongue in cheek) reasons to donate. We also have a Patreon Page too for anyone who would consider more regular support.

Apple have recently switched to arm based Apple Silicon and there has been some interest in getting native M1 binaries for the new machines. Obviously this really needs actual hardware to test and my Macbook Pro is showing its age a bit now so it would be great to get this replaced with M1 hardware. Obviously this is pretty expensive so this donation drive may run longer than June this year.

Here are some highlights from the last year in devkitPro toolchain development.

Yak shaving continues unabated and this year we now have 188 library packages and 27 tool packages. That's another 44 libraries & 4 more tool packages than this time last year. Given that we now support 5 host platforms that's really 135 tool packages to contend with.

All the toolchains have been upgraded to gcc 11.1 recently bringing extended C++20 and experimental C++23 support to all the platforms we support.

We've also recently put some work into building some more comprehensive cmake support which should hopefully help out a lot when porting cmake based projects. I've contributed a patch to use our cmake machinery to devilutionx for switch and I'm currently building updated machinery for 3DS too.

I don't currently have a list of updates for the various libraries and tools but there have been 165 commits to the pacman-packages repo alone this year.

I've done quite a bit of work this year on cleaning up my processes for onboarding new platforms in preparation for M1 binaries which will also make it easier for me to bring up other platforms if there's interest. Let us know if there's some particular architecture you'd like to have and I'll do my best if it's not too esoteric.
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Re: WinterMute's 2021 Birthday donation drive.

Post by WinterMute » Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:19 am

Incredibly we're up to 199 library packages available now and the donation drive is off to a good start.

Prep work for M1 binaries has eased the burden of bringing up new platforms recently so I think we'll start off with something nice and easy that gets requested by people with older machines on a semi regular basis. Once we hit the $750 mark I'll sort out i686 binaries including pacman to manage everything nicely.
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