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Compiling Problem regarding "TARGET"

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 4:51 am
by MastorLichi
Hello! I'm quite new to the coding area as a whole, so I'm trying to learn code as I learn devkitPro. A current project of mine is me trying to compile a set of multiple different files into one, to make an application for the 3DS. This is the folder I'm working with. When I enter "make" into the system, it always gives me the following (in the photo with the command box.) After some research, I've figured out that I have to use something with "TARGET" (I forgot the line of code that's required), and replace two of the words with other words, but that's where I'm stuck.
I don't really know how to use that specific line of code, and what to replace what with. So I tried going on the Microsoft website for help. I imputed code into the line, and it gave me this bash error (refer to the attachment with the 'newline' error). Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Re: Compiling Problem regarding "TARGET"

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 9:29 am
by WinterMute
3ds_portlibs, as it says in the repo was deprecated by devkitPro pacman and the portlibs are no longer managed in this way. There is nothing useful to be learned from that repository or any of its forks. Please delete it from your system and forget that you ever saw it. Everything that was contained there and then some can be found in our pacman-packages repository but, rather than spend your time compiling things there and contributing to climate change, you should simply use devkitPro pacman to install the libraries you need.