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Windows-only issues between Citra and GDB

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 9:56 pm
by TheGag96
I recently tried to set up a comfortable dev environment on a Windows 10 laptop. On my Linux machines, I make heavy use of Citra's GDB stub with devkitARM's arm-none-eabi-gdb. On the Windows laptop, I launch both in the MSYS2 MinGW64 shell. I can debug stuff seemingly fine, but if I ever type in a command with an error result (like trying to print a variable that doesn't exist), I get a warning:

Code: Select all

(gdb) p resultt
warning: could not convert 'bible.util.resultt' from the host encoding (CP1252) to UTF-32.
This normally should not happen, please file a bug report.
On the other side, Citra (Canary 2630) throws a fit:

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[  41.870349] Debug.GDBStub <Error> core/gdbstub/gdbstub.cpp:ReadByte:364: recv failed : 18446744073709551615
[  41.870394] Debug.GDBStub <Info> core/gdbstub/gdbstub.cpp:Shutdown:1232: Stopping GDB ...
[  41.870402] Debug.GDBStub <Info> core/gdbstub/gdbstub.cpp:Shutdown:1242: GDB stopped.

For whatever it's worth, my locale is set to C / UTF-8 in MSYS2. What's going on here exactly? Does remote debugging work well for other Windows users? Thanks.