devkitPro pacman

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Installing devkitPro Pacman

devkitPro provided tools and libraries are managed by the rather wonderful Arch Linux pacman. We provide our own binaries as .pkg for OSX and .deb for debian based linux distributions. On Fedora you can obtain pacman using the command sudo dnf install pacman and edit the pacman configuration files as you would for Arch based linux distros , and pre-existing msys2 installs. We also provide an installer for windows which sets up a customised msys2 install already set up with the devkitPro packages.

For Gentoo emerge sys-apps/pacman then edit /etc/pacman.conf and set RootDir = /. Run pacman-key --init then follow the instructions below.

The .deb package can also be used on WSL but you may need to make a symlink for /etc/mtab. See

   sudo ln -s /proc/self/mounts /etc/mtab

On Debian based systems install the .deb with (first sudo apt-get install gdebi-core if necessary)

   sudo gdebi devkitpro-pacman.deb

On macOS run the .pkg installer from Terminal with

   open devkitpro-pacman-installer.pkg

Then install the Xcode command line tools if you haven't already

   xcode-select --install

And finally reboot your mac to have ennviromnent variables set.

Customising Existing Pacman Install

Note: These instructions are for systems which come with pacman already installed i.e. Arch or Msys2. Do Not follow these instructions if you have dkp-pacman

For users already using a distro which provides pacman please follow these instructions. This also applies to Fedora and Gentoo below as well as users who wish to use an existing msys2 install. If you're using a pre-existing msys2 install please also set environment variables as follows :-


First import the key which is used to validate the packages

  sudo pacman-key --recv BC26F752D25B92CE272E0F44F7FD5492264BB9D0
  sudo pacman-key --lsign BC26F752D25B92CE272E0F44F7FD5492264BB9D0

Then Install the keyring which adds more keys used to verify the packages. Msys2 users should ignore the sudo part - i.e. type the command line without sudo.

   sudo pacman -U

Add the devkitPro repositories. Please note that you will require two - one for the libraries and another for the host specific tools.

edit /etc/pacman.conf & add these lines

Server =

for linux systems also add

Server =$arch/

for existing 64 bit msys2 systems (you installed msys2-x86_64 package) use this one instead of dkp-linux above.

Server =

for existing 32 bit msys2 systems (you installed msys2-i686 package) use this one instead:

Server =

Now resync the database and update installed packages.

    sudo pacman -Syu

Using Pacman

The customised pacman we ship for OSX and debian based distros is entirely self-contained within /opt/devkitpro/pacman. To avoid polluting the system and avoid clashes with system tools or games which may share the same name as pacman binaries we install helper scripts in /usr/local/bin which temporarily set path and forward to the custom binaries. This means you substitute dkp-pacman for pacman on those systems. Do not add /opt/devkitpro/pacman/bin to your system path, this will cause issues.

Updating Databases

To resync the databases before obtaining updates, this command is similar to apt-get update

   sudo (dkp-)pacman -Sy

To update installed packages, this command is similar to apt-get upgrade

   sudo (dkp-)pacman -Syu

Installing packages

You can list all available packages with

   (dkp)-pacman -Sl

To show only the libraries supplied by devkitPro append dkp-libs

   (dkp-)pacman -Sl dkp-libs

You can search for packages using

   (dkp-)pacman -Ss <search string>

Predefined Groups

We provide several convenient groups which may be installed using sudo (dkp-)pacman -S <group name>

- gp32-dev
- gba-dev 
- nds-dev
- 3ds-dev
- gamecube-dev
- wii-dev
- wiiu-dev
- switch-dev

To list packages use `dkp-pacman -Sl` To install a package use `sudo dkp-pacman -S <name of package>` `sudo dkp-pacman -R <name of package>` will remove an already installed package.