printing statement in game

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printing statement in game

Post by Molokai » Sat Sep 27, 2008 3:38 am

OK, so if there's a place anywhere I can go to look for these things, I have no idea so tell me now. (I don't even know if this is the right forum to post in).

Anyway, I am working on adding save state slots to FCEU GX, and I have the slots done easily enough. I also did mapping on the controller to save/load the states and select the states. However, I want to be able to see, in game, without pausing the game, which state is currently selected. Is there any function currently in libogc/devkitPPC like gx_printf that would print a string in-game, basically on top of the game graphics? I.e., I select a state and the game keeps running with a little statement "Current slot: X" in the corner.

Thanks for any help.

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