Lil help to a begginer :)

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Lil help to a begginer :)

Post by GTASA.NDS » Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:47 pm

Well i started on a dangerous mission (LOL) to try and recreate grand theft auto san andreas on ndsi using 3d not like chinatown wars. Ok so i begin on asking for help, I wish to know where do i get started online tuts and things like that i also wish to know how to convert the models of gta sa to lower quality set to the ndsi and well thats pretty much it. I have basic understanding of c++ but i will keep learnin cuz i have a big tut on my comp so ill get better. And also i would like to know is there any limit to file size any limit that would not let me create this game in ndsi? that would be all and thx in advanced.
My mission is to recreate Grand theft auto san andreas on ndsi using call of duty modern warfare quality graphics (the game for ds)

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Re: Lil help to a begginer :)

Post by StevenH » Sat Sep 04, 2010 1:38 am

Well I've heard of people shooting for the Moon, but your shooting for Nix (Pluto's smallest moon)...

Good luck and all, I'd be interested to see if you can get this up and running, but do remember that your limited to 2000 tri's per frame, so your not going to get SA style, and the 4Mb ram limit for code and graphics, unless you are using an SD card.

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Re: Lil help to a begginer :)

Post by Discostew » Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:31 am

GTASA.NDS wrote:Well i started on a dangerous mission (LOL) to try and recreate grand theft auto san andreas on ndsi using 3d not like chinatown wars. Ok so i begin on asking for help, I wish to know where do i get started online tuts and things like that i also wish to know how to convert the models of gta sa to lower quality set to the ndsi and well thats pretty much it. I have basic understanding of c++ but i will keep learnin cuz i have a big tut on my comp so ill get better. And also i would like to know is there any limit to file size any limit that would not let me create this game in ndsi? that would be all and thx in advanced.
Wanna know how to get started? Pong. No, this is not a joke. You don't learn the basics by jumping straight into advanced. You learn them from the simplest stuff, and work your way up. Not to be a downer, but you're not gonna be able to make something of that scale until you've had a LOT of experience, and even then, it will be difficult.

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Re: Lil help to a begginer :)

Post by GTASA.NDS » Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:48 am

well thats the thing im not gonna start it now thats why im asking online tuts and things like that i know that the ds is very limited in gfx i know its not gonna be gta styled the models will be much lower quality but im thinking thats possible if they could make call of duty for nds i think i can make gta sa. So any helpers?? and ill get it up and running im a fast learner but i need the source from which to learn so pls link me to a few places.

also you dont expect me to do this alone right i need help and if u guys are better then plz join me on this dangerous quest LOL JK but i do need help
My mission is to recreate Grand theft auto san andreas on ndsi using call of duty modern warfare quality graphics (the game for ds)

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Re: Lil help to a begginer :)

Post by dheart88 » Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:11 am

it almost impossible to do it all alone .... Because I'm making a game too and it's a 3D multilplayer racing kart and It took about a year to complete this project.. (so far there's only single player mode) :cry:

I think you should find some friend out there to do this big task together..

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Re: Lil help to a begginer :)

Post by GTASA.NDS » Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:13 pm

these are the gfx im trying to get


i hope its possible. would any1 mind giving some light to this case instead of saying `negative things i need some tuts so pls post some links to them. Also this place needs more mods lol.
My mission is to recreate Grand theft auto san andreas on ndsi using call of duty modern warfare quality graphics (the game for ds)

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Re: Lil help to a begginer :)

Post by zeromus » Sat Sep 11, 2010 12:47 am

I would suggest that you use The GIMP to copy the art and put it in pcx file.

Also if you are outside and you see a cave, you can crawl into it and maybe you will be trapped for a year. During that time you can learn how to reverse engineer game resources and extract the models and textures. Of course I am sure you already know how to use the models and textures in concert and context to create game scenes. Well, even if you don't, it is sort of easy, so don't worry about that. I'm sure you'll be able to do it. So go ahead and spend your time ripping off the graphics. You'll know just what to do with them once you've got them. Really there is nothing to the graphics, apart from the art they use. Graphics programmers are noobs anyway, everyone knows that. Look at that fire!! lol it looks like my first explosion.bmp

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Re: Lil help to a begginer :)

Post by GTASA.NDS » Sat Sep 11, 2010 3:35 am

lol hopefully i can get those or better gfx when im making the game so in my list i have to do this.....

1.make a team of ppl that want to help. of the necessary gfx from the game
3.make em lower quality
4.improvise and out new things to the game (its a recreation but its gotta be unique)
5.learn how to code arm processor things.
6.learn and perfect 3d modeling
7.release an alpha
8.get 3000 downloads of that alpha (lol)
9.release a perfected beta.
10.finish the game.

thats the list of things i have to do. i need tuts pls some1 post a page or something where i can learn the necessary skills
My mission is to recreate Grand theft auto san andreas on ndsi using call of duty modern warfare quality graphics (the game for ds)

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Re: Lil help to a begginer :)

Post by zeromus » Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:00 am

I recommend skipping to 5 and making a ds game where skulls fly around the screen and you tap them to blow up. Then you can proceed to the other steps.

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Re: Lil help to a begginer :)

Post by Izhido » Sat Sep 11, 2010 2:44 pm

Oh for $deity's sake...

You do realize half (if not 90%) of what you're about to do is, basically, illegal in most countries?

You're asking for people to join you to steal another game's graphics, to create a game that is a ripoff of another company's game, and somehow, expecting not to get sued by them... I mean, have you at least asked Rockstar for permission to do all of this? It's THEIR game, y'know...?

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