I used to do some fake widescreen on a previous version on libogc.
It worked like that (GRRLIB stuff in it, as I submitted it to GRRLIB) :
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if (CONF_GetAspectRatio() == CONF_ASPECT_16_9) {
GRRLIB_ScreenWidth = 16.0f*((f32)rmode->xfbHeight)/9.0f;
guOrtho(ortho, 0, GRRLIB_ScreenHeight, 0, GRRLIB_ScreenWidth, 0, 1000.0f);
GX_LoadProjectionMtx(ortho, GX_ORTHOGRAPHIC);
guPerspective(m, fov, (f32)GRRLIB_ScreenWidth/(f32)GRRLIB_ScreenHeight, minDist, maxDist);
GX_LoadProjectionMtx(m, GX_PERSPECTIVE);
GX_SetViewport(0, 0, GRRLIB_ScreenWidth, GRRLIB_ScreenHeight, 0.0f, 1.0f);
GX_SetScissor(0, 0, GRRLIB_ScreenWidth, GRRLIB_ScreenHeight);
- Having a wide projection scaled on the regular 640x480 framebuffer
- Having this framebuffer scaled again to screen as the wii is configured on 16/9 mode.
But that stuff isn't working anymore.
I don't really get why, as I didn't see any change concerning it in the changelog.
Now I miss the right part of the wide screen, no scale applied on the left side.
So I guess the projection matrix is ok, but all the scaling process seems to be missing now.
I also tried to change
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GX_SetDispCopySrc(0, 0, rmode->fbWidth, rmode->efbHeight);
Code: Select all
GX_SetDispCopySrc(0, 0, GRRLIB_ScreenWidth, GRRLIB_ScreenHeight);
That's my problem.
So if anyone has a clue on how to make that work again, it would be really appreciated.